Report on visting Blaise Pascal University France, Clermond-Ferrand 8-21 march 2013


NTUU “KPI” Workgroup Report on Visting Blaise Pascal University, France, Clermond-Ferrand, 8-21 March, 2013

NTUU “KPI” workgroup representative - Victor Pasko, associate professor at department of technical cybernetics.

The most important events during meetings:

1 Claroline system administrators training that was led by specialists from Blaise Pascal University. It is worth mentioning a high level of specialists preparation, as well as quality and completeness of presented information.

2 Laboratory works and complexes discussion and demonstration presented by partner universities from Russia and Ukraine having a goal of implementing IHLS within the framework of the project. Among others it is worth mentioning laboratory stands made by LETI and SevNTU universities.

3 Discussion and adjustments of concepts and principles of IHLS creation as well as technologies and means for supporting remote access to resources and equipment of and for partner universities. An overview of remote access technologies was very useful for making IHLS design decisions.

4 Coordination and adjustment of activities schedule on IHLS implementing work.

5 Visiting scientific and educational subdivisions of Blaise Pascal University, acquaintance with study process organization as well as Research and Production basis.

It is worth noting a visit to laboratory of mobile intelligence and virtual reality that was valuable and interesting for most of participants. It is appropriate to recommend experience of modeling and design of mobile robots control systems by university masters as one of directions for diploma projects at other partner universities from Russia and Ukraine.

It is worth noting that IHLS implementation task can be solved with a higher degree of quality if there were additional financial resources for buying not only computers but also experimental stands for partner universities. Such stands must be implemented using united hardware and software platform.

Except hardware and software, a methodological complex for making experiments must also be developed for more effective IHLS functioning. That complex have to support full stack of educational services, such as:

- theoretical subject learning (short theoretical knowledge);

- practical tasks (preparation for making experiment);

- computer modeling of studied objects (mathematical models of objects, and modeling facilities);

- experimental explorations of studied objects;

- degree of studied subject mastering control (testing and knowledge evaluation system);

- full mathematical processing and graphical representation of received results;

- running database of users’ access to laboratory resources.

In general, Blaise Pascal University visit organization had a high level of preperation and allowed not only a way to get acquainted with study process at unviersity, but also experience infiltration of modern mechatronic and robotic systems into educational process.

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