
Technical Cybernetics Department

conducts recruitment of undergraduate students for studying

in an educational and professional program for the master's degree:

121 “Software Engineering“ - Computerized Systems Software Engineering

126 “Information Systems and Technologies“ - Dataware of Robotic Systems

Training is budget and contract

Basic knowledge of our graduates:

  • higher and special sections of mathematics
  • programming: (metaprogramming, object-oriented programming, WEB-programming)
  • technology development software
  • operating systems and database management systems
  • creation and processing of databases
  • processing and protection of information
  • computer electronics and circuitry
  • microprocessor systems and microelectronics
  • architecture of computer systems and networks
  • theory of modeling of complex systems and business projects
  • identification and modeling of technological objects
  • modern theory of control and optimization
  • Intelligent decision support systems
  • neurocomputer and robotic systems
  • economy of the enterprise and the basics of management
  • computer Technology
  • digital controls




Comprehensive professional test for admission to educational and vocational training program for master's degree
126 specialty "Information Systems and Technologies"
educational program "Dataware of Robotic Systems"


Comprehensive testing program is part of the professional teaching documents of the department and is designed to evaluate the quality of training of applicants for admission
on education and vocational training program for master 126 specialty "Information Systems and Technologies" specialization "Computer and robotic systems."
The structure of the program includes sections on the following subjects: "Programming", "Special sections of mathematics", "Operations Research" and "flexible design of computer systems."
Packet control tasks with comprehensive professional test has 50 options for tasks equivalent complexity, requiring applicants not play knowledge of certain topics and sections of relevant disciplines, and their integrated application and provide verification of certain skills to the required level, the formation of which provides educational and professional program for bachelors the direction of 6.050201 "System engineering".
Each control tasks consist of four separate tasks that contain both theoretical and practical parts, under which an applicant must demonstrate no reproductive knowledge and ability to use the acquired knowledge to solve practical tasks aimed.
The complexity of the control task corresponds to 120 minutes and does not require detailed explanations of complex calculations and drawings.

Main presentation

1.1. Operators. Warehouse operators. Choosing operators. Operators cycle.
1.2. Regular types (arrays). Description and use. Lines constant and variable length.
1.3. The procedures and functions. The procedures and their use. The functions and their use. Functional variables.
1.4. Records and set. Records and their use. Blog variable structure. Multiple types.
1.5. Files. Sequential files. Direct access file. Text and not typed files.
1.6. Dynamic data structures. Dynamic variables and indicators. Indicators. Dynamic data types. Lists.
1.7. Modules. The structure and the use of modules. Module Crt. Module Graph.
1.8. The data structure and expression.
1.8. Classes memory. Logical expressions. Control structures.
1.9. Arrays and indexes. Arrays and their features. Indicators and operations on them.
1.10. Features. The functions and their use. Preprocessor directives. Structures.
1.11. Files. Features files. Sharing the lower level.
1.12. Features PC architecture. The structure of the PC. Submission of data in a computer. Addressing modes.
1.13. Procedures and macros. Procedures and especially their execution. Transferring parameters to procedures. Macro.
1.14. Structures and records. Multimodal applications.

Section 2. Special sections of mathematics
2.1. Set. Methods default sets. Basic concepts of set theory. Geometric interpretation sets. Operations on sets. Algebra sets.
2.2. Relation. The concept of relationship. Setting relations. Operations on relations. Properties of binary relations. The ratio of equivalence, tolerance and order. The functional relationship.
2.3. Algebraic structure. Algebraic operations and their properties. The notion of algebraic structure. The simplest algebraic structure. Lattice.
2.3. Boolean functions and transformations. Boolean variables and functions. Methods default Boolean functions. Duality. Laws ulevyh algebra. Disjunctive decomposition and kon'yuktyvni ulevyh functions. Minimizing ulevyh functions.
2.4. Graph theory. Methods default graphs. Operations on graphs. Euler napiveylerovi and graphs. Planarnist graphs. Coloring graphs. Trees.
2.5. Logic. Logic statements. Predicate logic. Quantifiers. The formulas in predicate logic. Laws and identity in the logic of predicates. Predicate calculus. Multi-valued logic.
2.6. Automatic. Recognizer. Finite state machines. Automatic store of memory.
2.7. Solving SLE based on the LU-disorder matrix. Iterative methods for solving SLE. The canonical form of iterative methods. Convergence of iterative methods for solving SLE.
2.8. The properties of eigenvalues ​​of matrix. POWER method for calculating eigenvalues. LR-QR-algorithms and computing eigenvalues.
2.9. Interpolation by algebraic polynomials. Interpolation polynomial of Lagrange and Newton.
2.10. Methods for solving nonlinear equations. The convergence of methods for solving nonlinear equations. Methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. The canonical form methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations.
2.11. One-step methods for solving differential equations.
2.12. Compound formula of integration. Quadrature formulas of Newton-Cotes, Valencia. Finite-difference formulas for numerical differentiation. Formulas of numerical differentiation based on interpolation polynomials.

3.1. The main stages of operational research. Typical classes of control problems. Principles of decision making in operations research problems.
3.2. Linear programming. General linear programming problem (ZLP). Elements of convex analysis and linear algebra. Research ZLP structure. Simplex method. The method simplex solution ZLP tables. Search artificial basis. The dual ZLP. The modified simplex method. The dual simplex method. Transport problem.
3.3. Discrete programming. Problem discrete programming. Method vidtynayuchyh planes (Gomorrah). The method of branches and boundaries.
3.4. Nonlinear Programming. Problem nonlinear programming. The method of Lagrange multipliers. The problem of convex programming. Matrix form of the quadratic programming problem. Dynamic programming.

Section. 4.Designing of Flexible computer systems
4.1. Tasks flexible design of computer systems (ACS). Basic principles of the ACS. The main tasks of designing ACS. Systematic approach in the design of ACS.
4.2. Development of organizational and functional structures of ACS. The organizational and functional structure of ACS. The organizational and functional structure of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). System integrators synthesis of functional structures GMS.
4.3. System-GIS technological design. Features FMS process design. The concept of a two-stage design of GMS. Classification and Coding production facilities (OJ). The main directions of technological education groups. Construction group operations. Definition of means of transport agents.
4.4. Definition of basic equipment GMS. Distribution operations for flexible production modules (HVM). Selection options of basic technological equipment.
4.5. Development of structural layout GMS scheme. Recommendations layout HVM in the GMS. Choice of automated transport and storage system (ATCC). GMS layout solutions.
4.6. Information support ACS.


In carrying out comprehensive tests of professional forbidden to use any accessories.
Assessment system problems with professional test assesses the ability of the applicant:
- Generalize the knowledge to solve specific practical problems;
- Apply the rules, methods, principles, laws to specific situations;
- Interpret charts, graphs, diagrams;
- Teaching material logically consistent.
Evaluation criteria problems with professional testing into account the following:
- Integrated performance assessment for professional exposed test system ECTS - a 100-point scale;
- The maximum number of points accrued for the execution of a specific task - 25;
- Evaluating the results of each task carried out in the five- System points (Table. 1).

Table 1. Criteria of evaluation tasks




These necessary theoretical knowledge (basic theoretical principles of the method of solving the problem) and fully implemented practical tasks


These necessary theoretical knowledge (basic theoretical principles of the method of solving the problem), but there are some minor shortcomings in the performance of practical tasks


These are some theoretical information (some theoretical principles of the method of solving the problem) and fully implemented practical tasks


These are some theoretical information (some theoretical principles of the method of solving the problem) without performing practical tasks


Theoretical information available, the practical problem is not fulfilled

The general criterion is measured by the amount of points for answering task with all four sections:

RsectRsect1Rsect2Rsect3Rsect4 = 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 =100 points.

For an entrant relevant assessments (ECTS and traditional), his grade Rzah transferred under the table. 2.

Table 2. Table transfer


Assessment ECTS

Traditional evaluation

95… 100



85 … 94



75 … 84


65 … 74



60 … 64






Zaichenko JP Operations Research. - K .: Vipol, 2000. - 688 p.
Wentzel ES Study operations. - Moscow: Sov.radyo, 1978. - 399 p.
Amosov AA, Dubinsky YA, Kopchenova NV Computational methods for engineers. - M .: Higher School, 1994.- 544 p.
Feldman LP, Petrenko AI, Dmitrieva OA - K .: Publishing group BHV, 2006, 480 p.
Flexible computerized systems: design, modeling and management: Textbook / LS Yampolsky, PP Melnychuk, BB Samotokin, NM Polishchuk, NM Tkach, KB Ostapchenko, OI Lisovychenko.-Zhitomir: ZSTU, 2005.-680 p.

Application developers:
prof. Stenin OA
prof. Yampolsky LS
Assoc. O Lisovychenko
Assoc. T Lihouzova
Assoc. V Pasko
Assoc. M Tkach

PROGRAM entrance exams to graduate school in the specialty 121 "Software Engineering"


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